Monday, March 31, 2025

Inspirational Bible Verses | The Sick & Shut-In

It’s A Small World

One Sunday evening my father asked me if I would like to take a ride out with him to locate this rest home. He told me that he wanted to visit a friend who was staying there and he wasn’t exactly sure where it was.  I really didn’t have any plans for the evening and I figured it would give me a chance to spend a little extra time with my daddy so I said yes. After putting the address in the GPS and a short drive we located the rest home. On the way inside the facility there was a lady sitting on a bench. She looked at my father and said “hey I know you”  come to find out she was an old customer that my father used to sell cosmetics to. “Small world I never thought I would see you here” she said and he agreed as they engaged in small talk. While they were talking I thought to myself “it’s amazing that my dad ran into one of his old customers at this facility out here in the middle of nowhere – sometimes it really is a small world”.  

The Pages Of Life Turns

After they finished talking we went inside to find the room so that my father could see his friend. As we came to the room number and proceeded to go inside I immediately recognized the friend that my daddy had came to see. To my surprise it was Ms. Smith a long time church member that I had known since I was a kid. You could tell from her reaction that she was really glad to see us. After the initial introduction I quietly took a seat and let my daddy talk and spend time catching up with his old friend and church member. As they talked I thought to myself about how the pages of life turns. I remembered visiting the church that my father attends one Sunday and afterwards riding with him in the church van which he drives on most Sundays to take some church members home after the service. One of the passengers on this particular day was Ms. Smith. At the time she was in better health and we engaged in small talk as my father drove and dropped her off at her home. Now some months later here she was living in an assisted living facility due to some health issues. She was a church member listed on the “Sick and Shut-In” list who the church would encourage its members to pray for and to visit to let them know that you are concerned for their well being.  

Prior to this day I had never visited a “Sick and Shut-In” church member. On the occasions when I attend service: I would hear church members names cited by the reader of the announcements but that was the extent of my personal engagement. As I sat quietly in the room I realized just how beautiful the experience was that I was witnessing. This was Christianity in action. My father had taken time out of his day to go visit a church member in an effort to bring comfort and peace. To add a little joy to their current situation. To encourage them. As they laughed and talked I came to appreciate the moment and I was glad that I agreed to ride with him that day.  

A few months later Ms. Smith passed away. At her funeral as I stood over her casket looking into her face I couldn’t help thinking about the last time that I saw her which was that day at the facility. I remembered the joy in her face when she saw us. I remembered her smile and laughter and I thought to myself about how much she would be missed. I can’t say it enough – I am glad that I had the privilege to see her that day.  

Make A Difference In This World

Share yourself.  Make a difference in this world. Take the time to visit the “Sick and Shut In” members of your church. The scriptures teach us that we are serving GOD (Matt. 25:40) when we take the time to look after the sick among us. Keep them in your prayers. They will be glad that you took the time out of your busy schedule to think about them. The rewards are numerous. GOD bless you all.             

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